Like any popular brand, “Ninja Turtles” did not do without “accompanying products”, including video games. Here they were lucky for more than many: among the games about turtles there are not only decent, but also quite wonderful. True, mainly on prehistoric technique. Do not be afraid of pixels?
Read about the history of ninja turtles in our sightseeing material, but now-joysticks in your hands, eight-bit pizza is waiting!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
In 1989, the best game about turtles at that time was at that time. The best – because there were no others then. Konami carefully kept the rights to the franchise, and it was the Golden Era of Game TMNT. The debutant was made by the American studio Ultra Games, distinguished by an absurd species version of Metal Gear for Nes. The turtles were more fortunate, the project became a hit of sales and even received a “game of the year” from Nintendo Power.
"Pioneer" of game turtles copies "Zelda" and Castlevania. The gameplay is two-part: firstly, walks around the city, with a view of the top and the opportunity to look into houses and sewer hatches, and secondly-the study of the premises, and here the game turns into an arcade platform with a side view.
No cooperatives and multipleers are implied: our disposal has a complete cloth of the turtles, but you can play only one at. Each turtle has its own health reserve, and if it runs out, it fails (but does not die). It can be found connected somewhere at the next level and release it, but this possibility is very rare and does not make the weather: the game does not forgive errors, does not allow to persist and pulls the veins without stopping, while managing to be damn fascinating.
► The game has trips on a turtle on the same city map. Distances no longer scared, and poor bulldozers could be thrown with rockets.
For an unbearable nerves acting on nerves and breaking gamepads, the complexity of the game was grabbed and critical reviews of the press. Now you can find the passage of TMNT in 28 minutes, and someone was not enough for twenty-eight years to honestly go from credits to credits, this is a short adventure.
She remembered her and, let's say, with his strange. Firstly, on the cover, all the turtles wore red bandages, as in the first-first comic book. But in the game, the bandages were different, as in the animated series. Enemies pretended themselves to be a foot Clan, but most of them were like an incomprehensible cross between robots, mutants and mutant robots of unknown origin.
► Many players crashed into memory such a picture: a small turtle head with legs runs around the city, and a bulldozer chases after it. Strangeness, in general, was enough.
► And even at the end of the game, Splinter turned back into a person. How? And why? History is silent.
Local bosses were surprising – suspiciously simple and miserable appearance. Technodrome was bought to the size of the hut, and Schroedder was simply a laughing stock and was more suitable for the role of an ordinary footkan.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game
In the same 1989, the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA Turtles Arcada developed, developed by Konami itself. A year later, she was transferred to NES, adding a deuce in the name, to somehow-and for some reason-to tie to the game Ultra Games.
► In the NES version of TMNT 2, graphics, animation and sound shredded, cut out voice acting, but added one extra level, where everything in the snow, and the turtles fight with jumping snowmen.
If the turtle debut was mostly a platformer, then Arkada became a purebred beat‘em-up, colorful, dynamic-and most importantly, with the ability to play four (but not on Nes, of course). Moreover, the design was borrowed from the cartoons, which made the game an order of magnitude more beautiful and pleasant. The game generally stopped flirting with comics and completely ran to the side of the cartoral series. For example, Crang appeared in it, about which in the first part neither hearing nor spirit. In the comics, we recall, too, no.
► In this game, footcode learned to arrange our ninja hugs.
► Arkada completely adopted the style of the animated series. Including dirty fantasies with the participation of April.
As a result, an ideal game about turtles, spectacular, beautiful and consisting of a simple, but fascinating face, was born. Konami did not change this formula, and further games are based on it.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Manhattan Missions
But first we will talk about PC-exclusive-few people remember it, but you can’t forget it at all. TMNT: The Manhattan Missions was released in 1991 for MS DOS. Of all the “turtle” games, she is closest to the comics in spirit: the turtles are scoring angrily, many locations are dirty dark streets, and the soundtrack thoroughs with the paints even more – although there seems to be nowhere.
The plot voluntarily retells the events of the first comic book release, but it does not come out to call the game completely “canonical”. The Manhattan Missions is a cross between comics, cartoon and film. It has Rockstedi and Bibop, the turtles have different dressings, and at one point you will meet Tatsu (it appeared only in the film).
Graphically and gameplay TMM is strongly inferior to the arcade "turtles". This is a platformer very similar to the first Prince of Persia ; The combat system in it is slow and primitive, there are problems with AI and balance. But for the sake of the atmosphere and a variety of locations, the game should still try to a tooth.
► Game is a set of missions between which the turtles are distracted by sleep and pizza.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: The Manhattan Project
In 1991, a full -fledged continuation of the Konami series was published, moreover, immediately and only on the NES, so the graphics and music were sharply prettier, compared to the version of TMNT 2. The gameplay has become tangibly more diverse. The developers paid more attention to the difference between the turtles: each hero first received a unique superior: Leo spun “a mill”, Raf rushed “drill”, Donnie swept away everyone from the path “Kolobok”, but the Mike had the most powerful “frog”, in front of which in No one could resist.
So, the turtles got out to relax in Florida and suddenly saw a marvel on TV: Manhattan rises into the sky by the will of Schredder. Heroes did not appreciate the idea and went to understand. The journey turned out to be long and non -casual – the company dispelled boredom of both a variety of cannon fodder and all kinds of bosses, up to the most insignificant villains from the cartoon. True, many players, especially in Russia, could not evaluate all this splendor at one time. We got to the technology, met Schredder – and let's pace. And he … does not die. And never will die. Bug?
Not really. Just protection against piracy. If the pirates removed the copyrights and logos of Konami, the game automatically launched only in complex mode, and Schroedder became immortal. Thus, the players got a huge demo version, which even without Schredder it was possible to break the joystick in packs-Hard Mode, it is Hard.
► Immortal shredder anyone will let anyone in a turtle.
Of course, the license of such a problem is deprived of such a problem, and its happy owners calmly reached the spaceship, cleaned the deck and the muzzle of the super-shower. But among the people, the game was remembered as fundamentally impassable, and how many Shreddi are “before red” to achieve, he will withstand everything.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles in Time
The second TMNT approved the perfect formula for the game about turtles-ninja, and the third polished it, but only in Turtles in Time, the recipe for turtle soup was perfectly embodied. In 1991, the game was released on arcade machines and became a record holder of sales. Graphics, gameplay, music, style – according to all indicators, Turtles in Time has become the best game in the TMNT universe and still remains it. Many reproached TMNT 4 in uniformity and offensive brevity, but even this did not cancel its frantic popularity.
► And in Turtles in Time added a wonderful opportunity to launch the enemy into the screen. This was required to win the Schredder.
One of the main advantages of the game is the proximity of the spirit of the animated series, however, the authors did not limit themselves. So, in the version for SNES, instead of the battle with Bibop and Rockstedi, we were given to drink to death tokku and flare (mutants from the second movie TMNT). And in the menu it was allowed to return canonical red bandages and formidable empty eye sockets to all the turtles – straight from the comic book.
This is dull: In 2009, a remake of the arcade version was released, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled , It can be found in PSN and XBLA. The third dimension was added, the picture was redrawn and the sound was redone. The game looks like a cheap craft with plasticine graphics, and Shish remained from the atmosphere of the original source.
► Turtles in Time fantasy riot. At the beginning of the game, live with April O’Neill, giant Creng brazenly steals a statue of freedom. Her turtles will have to be saved by traveling in time and wringing the crowds of footkan.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
[[Bullet]] Much still has been left since Turtles in Time. For example, huge yellow strangers – not in sewage, but in the cave. They manage to dive into a puddle along which the turtles are free. Jokes about walking on water are welcome!
Turtles in Time does not happen! So decided Konami, took and did The Hyperstone Heist , releasing it on Sega Mega Drive a year after the previous game. It was a typical “version for another platform” for that time: the same game, only converted. There are fewer levels, but they lengthened. Graphics and sound have traditionally suffered, and in the plot, Schroedder reduced Manhattan with hypercamny.
If you like Turtles in Time, but I want more, The Hyperstone Heist is the perfect solution. Lottomart sister sites Not quite a new game, but also not a clone. Her only serious problem is lightness. Put the nightmarish right away, otherwise you will fall asleep.
* * *
… and then the popularity of turtles went down safely. Interest in the heroes began to fall – and with it the quality of the video game. Konami still released good fighting on three platforms Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters , In which, among other things, you can choose an April O’Neill – and show everyone who is a mommy (only for SNES).
Since 2003, the games of turtles began to retell the events of the new animated series. These were completely three -dimensional bitemaps, which you can even play … if it is completely unbearable. It became the last Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare , Then the rights to the turtles moved to Ubisoft, and the poor heroes rested in Bose. We began to slip exclusively "accompanying products", such as the game on the 2007 CGI-film or recent shame Out of the Shadows. It is unlikely that Michael Bay's coming film will change the situation, but we have hope to see a decent game still warm. And you?